
Using Sauna to Beat the Summer Heat

Is the sauna a good idea in the Summer?   The semiotics of a sauna seem to lend themselves to…

6 years ago

Sauna and CBD

6 years ago

What are heat shock proteins (HSPs)?

What are heat shock proteins? Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a group of proteins which are produced through the cells…

6 years ago

Swedish policeman arrests criminal in sauna, while naked

For most people the sauna is a place to relax.  But in a story that could only happen in Northern…

6 years ago

The Estonian Sauna Car – The Saunadi

Only in Estonia... Famously sauna-fond Estonia has come up with likely a world first.  In the town of Rakvere there…

6 years ago

Vancouver’s Saunas on Wheels

There is something strange afoot in Canada's westernmost province British Columbia. A group called BC Mobile Sauna and Spa Society…

6 years ago

Research shows sauna has same bodily effect as exercise

It is becoming widely known that saunas help detoxify both our skin and the rest of our body.  Better circulation,…

6 years ago

Infrared Sauna Benefits (Info-graphic)

There is a renewal of interest in saunas as we are learning more about the benefits it has to offer…

6 years ago