For most people the sauna is a place to relax.  But in a story that could only happen in Northern Europe a Swedish policeman just happened to notice a fugitive from the law sitting beside him in the sauna.  Through the steam both parties recognized each other.  “By a coincidence, and rather amusingly, they both recognized each other in the sauna,” police chief Christoffer Bohman offered.  “It’s easier to take action when you have your colleagues with you, and all your tools and equipment. This was as stripped-down as it gets – in more ways than one.” This might be the first instance of a naked arrest by both police and perpetrator.

Luckily the scene wasn’t as dramatic as it could have been according to Police spokewoman Carina Skagerlind.  “The naked police officer calmly told the man that he should consider himself arrested.”  She added, “the arrest was undramatic and the wanted man didn’t try to flee.”  I could imagine he wouldn’t get far without any shoes or other clothes on.

Read more about it here.


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