Sauna and CBD

Sauna and CBD

Sauna and CBD 0 Comments Written by Mike  August 1, 2019  CBD is virtually everywhere these days.  While many people tout it as a cure for anxiety, arthritis, and inflammation further testing is needed to back up some of the claims made.  There is a...
What are heat shock proteins (HSPs)?

What are heat shock proteins (HSPs)?

What are heat shock proteins? Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are a group of proteins which are produced through the cells during conditions that are stressful. They can be produced through extreme heat, cold, UV light exposure, as well as healing wounds. The creation of...
Laird Hamilton –  Legendary Surfer and Sauna Enthusiast

Laird Hamilton – Legendary Surfer and Sauna Enthusiast

Laird Hamilton – Legendary Surfer and Sauna Enthusiast Written by Mike  July 3, 2019  There are probably no surfers more respected or legendary than Laird Hamilton.  He is to surfing what Michael Jordan is to basketball or Wayne Gretzky is to...
Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Saunas

Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Saunas

Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Saunas 0 Comments Written by Mike  June 14, 2019  Dr. Rhonda Patrick has been making waves in the field of healthy aging.  With a PhD in biomedical science and a Bachelor’s of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry she is an...
Research shows sauna has same bodily effect as exercise

Research shows sauna has same bodily effect as exercise

It is becoming widely known that saunas help detoxify both our skin and the rest of our body.  Better circulation, fat loss, and heart health are also well known benefits that have been getting a lot of attention lately.  The latest science has people excited over the...
Infrared Sauna for treating Lyme Disease

Infrared Sauna for treating Lyme Disease

Using Sauna for Treating Lyme Disease New research is proving traditional and infrared sauna help our bodies deal with Lyme disease. About Sauna treatment How sauna treatment helps Lyme Disease In honor of Lyme Disease Awareness month we are looking to spread the word...

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