What to Consider When Buying a Sauna

What to Consider When Buying a Sauna

Size NeedsAre you planning on using this sauna socially?  Would you like to be able to recline in the sauna?  If so space is an important factor to consider. While smaller saunas are lighter, cheaper, and more efficient; many people prefer the options of a larger...
How to Use an Infrared Sauna

How to Use an Infrared Sauna

1. Don’t sauna very full or very hungryIt is best to avoid using the infrared sauna right after eating a large meal or if you are particularly hungry.  The reasons have to do with your body balancing heavy digestion with trying to control your temperature...
Celebrities Who Use Infrared Saunas

Celebrities Who Use Infrared Saunas

Jennifer Anniston   Jennifer Anniston has been famously beautiful for decades, and few other stars have aged as well as she has.  She credits infrared saunas with helping her maintain such healthy skin and healthy glow.  She credited her sauna with...

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